Supply Chain Responsibility

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Conducting our Business Responsibly and Sustainably

Supply Chain Responsibility

Our suppliers are critical to our success and our ability to deliver high quality products to our customers. As a global company, we have a deep understanding of our responsibilities to support ethical business conduct and responsible sourcing of materials throughout our supply chain. We specify requirements and expectations in our purchase order terms and conditions, supplier agreements, specific policies and, our supplier quality manual. Our suppliers are expected to demonstrate their commitment to conducting their activities in a responsible manner by complying with the requirements outlined below.

Human Rights Policy

Our policy communicates our commitment to abide by applicable laws and standards to ensure that we avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts through our activities and relationships. Our sourcing strategy includes expectations that our suppliers conduct their business activities in a responsible and legal manner and ensure they also respect human rights.

Supply Chain Code of Conduct

Our supply chain code of conduct is based on the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct and communicates our expectations on environmentally responsible business practices, along with our expectations across Labor, Ethics, Environment and Safety.

Modern Slavery policy

Our policy communicates our commitment to ensure forced labor, slavery, and trafficking is prohibited in connection with our operations and sets forth specific requirements that vendors must adhere to.

MACOM Banned and Restricted Substances

Our policy regarding banned and restricted substances requires suppliers to avoid the use of chemicals and substances that may present a threat to the environment and human health during production, use or via disposal at the end of the products lifecycle.

Supplier Quality Manual

Our Supplier Quality Manual clearly communicates our quality expectations. We also work to build long- term relationships with our supply chain members, which helps us deliver high quality products, remain competitive, and achieve technological innovation goals. Our structured approach to sourcing and managing our supply chain is aimed at ensuring that we can mitigate risk and assure continuity of supply.

Responsible Sourcing of Conflict Minerals

Our policy regarding conflict minerals is an important part of our program to ensure that covered minerals are responsibly sourced and that we contribute to global efforts to mitigate human rights abuses in conflict-affected areas.

MACOM is committed to the responsible sourcing of minerals critical to our business operations and the production of our products. We have developed corporate management systems and a due diligence framework to comply with the requirements of the U.S. Conflict Minerals Rule with respect to tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (3TG), and in accordance with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Through the efforts outlined above, we seek to make informed decisions and mitigate risks associated with the supply of 3TG

Supply Chain Responsibility Documents